Community4Innovation: Innovative Sustainable Economy Thematic Community Project
PROJECT nº: Euro-MED0100007
START DATE: 01/01/2023
END DATE: 30/09/2029
DURATION: 81 months
The world is confronted with a more and more urgent need to accelerate the transition from a social and economic development model relying on excessive exploitation of natural resources to a more sustainable one, compatible with the planetary boundaries. Global change is happening, and it is happening fast, pushed by human pressure. There is multi-level growing consensus on the role of transformative place-based innovation to reach the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and create political and operational convergence to accelerate the transition of the Mediterranean region towards a green, blue, circular, and inclusive economy. Innovation investment can be oriented to meet the most pressing challenges of sustainable development, beyond short-term economic growth.
In this context, the Innovative Sustainable Economy mission of the Interreg Euro-MED Programme works to boost a fair transition to a circular economy through two governance projects that develop innovative technical knowledge and ensure these new solutions are transferred into public policies. To amplify individual thematic projects’ results and raise the overall mission impact, the mission relies on the know-how and field implementation knowledge of the Thematic Community Project along with the policy and advocacy knowledge of the Institutional Dialogue Project. Jointly the two governance projects contribute to: i) facilitating the exploitation and REUSE of knowledge, experiences, and project results towards other stakeholders; ii) facilitating the TRANSFER of results to other stakeholders, Programmes and territories and their mainstreaming into local, regional, national, and European policies; and iii) increasing COORDINATION between stakeholders covering the Mediterranean based on shared knowledge, experiences, and results. The Innovative Sustainable Economy mission governance projects kicked off in January 2023 and will run until September 2029. The governance projects cover the whole Programme area, covering 14 countries from Cyprus to Portugal with a look at the whole Mediterranean Sea basin. Formed by a highly qualified and transdisciplinary partnership with 43 organisations between the projects’ consortiums and joint associated partners.
In particular, the Thematic Community Project (featured by the name of Community4Innovation) works to achieve the mission goals by developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities for the uptake of technologies in order to support the transition to a circular economy and consolidate a competitive innovation ecosystem with the 4-helix stakeholders. Therefore, Community4Innovation acts as an engaged and structured community that improves collaboration among projects, stakeholders, and relevant institutions to find solutions for common challenges and promote the transfer of novel practices to other actors and territories for their integration into policies and strategies. Community4Innovation main outputs comprise a set of integrated and mutual reinforcing activities to achieve the overall mission and Programme goals with a bottom-up cooperation approach though the activation of a Community of Practice, mapping of potential target groups, stakeholders, networks, and innovative projects, compiling solutions by developing and interactive catalogue, starting-up an animating the Innovative Sustainable Economy Community Hub, supporting challenge-driven stakeholders alliances, organising Mediterranean Innovation Events, providing capacity building, and fostering joint advocacy activities contributing to the implementation of key policies, strategies, agendas, declarations, and action plans for the overall achievement of the SDGs. The Community4Innovation consortium is integrated by 10 partners from Spain, Italy, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, France, and Bulgaria. The Community4Innovation project of the new programming period Interreg Euro-MED 2021-2027 is the successor of the Green Growth Community of the previous programming period Interreg MED 2014-2021, both coordinated by BETA Technological Centre. Dynamic Vision was involved as a Partner in Green Growth Community and continues the journey in Community4Innovation, leading activities mainly focused on establishing the conditions for effective identification, sharing and REUSE of actionable knowledge towards a more innovative sustainable economy.
Balmes University Foundation – BETA Technological Centre (ES) • REVOLVE (ES) • Dynamic Vision (EL) • Centre for Energy, Environment and Resources (BA) • Association of Cities and Regions for Sustainable Resource Management (BE) • University of Siena – Department of Physical Science, Earth and Environment (IT) • Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (EL) • Business and Innovation Sea Cluster – Toulon Var Technology (FR) • Waste Agency of Catalonia – MedWaves, the UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centre for SCP (ES) • Green Synergy Cluster (BG)
Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises (TN) • Medcities Association (ES) • Energy Cities (FR) • Agency for Sustainable Mediterranean Cities and Territories (FR) • European Public Law Organization (EL) • United Nations Environment Programme / Mediterranean Action Plan – Barcelona Convention Secretariat (EL) • Ministry of Development and Investments (EL) • Circle of Mediterranean Parliamentarians for Sustainable Development (EL) • Arab Network for Environment and Development (EG) • National Inter-University Consortium for Marine Sciences (IT) • The Balkan Forum (XK) • United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network Mediterranean (IT) • Apulia Region (IT) • Association of Rural Initiatives of Catalonia (ES) • Barleti Institute for Research and Development (AL) • Euroregion Pyrenees Mediterranean EGTC (FR) • INGENIO [CSIC-UPV] (ES) • Ministry of Finance and Economy (AL) • Regional Council Of Shkoder (AL) • ENEA Italian national agency for new technologies energy and sustainable economic development (IT) • The Malta Council for Science and Technology (MT) • MA of the Operational Program for Sustainability and Efficiency in the Use of Resources (PT) • Ruder Boskovic Institute (HR) • General Directorate for European Funds of the Ministry of Finance and Civil Service (ES)
PHOTOS from the Kick-off meeting