
List of projects

Our projects in all sectors are presented in short below:
Click the titles for a short description:

Monday, 25th November 2019

Interreg MED Modular project - BLUE DEAL - "Blue Energy Deployment Alliance"

The MED area will include Blue Energy (BE) in maritime planning and governance, thanks to BLUE DEAL project. Given the early stage of BE technologies, proper information to deliver consistent strategies, plans and regulations in the BE sector are still missing; this often compromises public-private initiatives for exploiting marine renewable energy and discourages investments. The project’s aim is to overcome current technical and administrative restrictions for BE deployment and define proper requirements and procedures to support decisions and guarantee compliance with regulatory, environmental and social constraints. BLUE DEAL foresights a series of transnational Labs to involve multi-sectorial stakeholders, perform participative planning processes and establish public-private alliances through open innovation actions.

Funding Programme: Interreg MED 2014-2020

Programme objective tackled: Axis 1, sub-objective 1.1

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) co financing rate: 85%

Total budget: 2,981,132.80 €

Project duration: 32 months


Monday, 25th November 2019

Interreg MED Modular project – BLUEfasma- "Empowering innovation capacity of SMEs, maritime clusters and networks in MED islands and coastal areas to support blue circular economy growth in fishing/aquaculture"

BLUEfasma integrates and implements Circular Economy (CE) principles in the key blue growth sector of fishing/aquaculture to benefit MED insular/coastal areas in a novel/innovative way. The project team tackles the transnational challenge of continual depletion of natural resources and the below-EU-average MED CE innovation performance in fishing/aquaculture. Its overall objective is to empower innovation capacity of SMEs, maritime clusters/networks, PAs to boost blue CE growth in insular/coastal areas. CE prevents depletion of resources by closing energy & materials loops, leading to smart/sustainable growth as a key MED joint asset.

Funding Programme: Interreg MED 2014-2020

Programme objective tackled: Axis 1, sub-objective 1.1

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) co financing rate: 85%

Total budget: 2,811,585.00 €

Project duration: 32 months


 Interreg MED Modular project – BLUEfasma- "Empowering innovation capacity of SMEs, maritime clusters and networks in MED islands and coastal areas to support blue circular economy growth in fishing/aquaculture"

Sunday, 10th November 2019

Interreg MED Horizontal Project - “Green Growth”

The Horizontal Project (HP) Green Growth aims to support the Modular Projects (MPs) under the Green Growth thematic of the Interreg MED Programme priority Axis 1 - Innovation. The HP Green Growth will act as a community of projects promoting a sustainable development by fostering innovation through an integrated and territorial based cooperation approach. The HP Green Growth will build upon achievements of the first phase HP SYNGGI and will further maximize the transnational replicability and capitalization potential of results. It will involve the Quadruple helix actors in Mobilization and Mutual Learning workshops and training and matchmaking sessions to share their best practices in the field of green growth and to promote the effective transfer of concrete results into regional/national policies. The expected outcomes will facilitate the creation of multi-stakeholders shared actions plans to highlight new opportunities and to unlock market potentials.

Funding Programme: Interreg MED 2014-2020

Programme objective tackled: Axis 1, sub-objective 1.1

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) co financing rate: 85%

Total budget: 1,459,999.99 €

Project duration: 32 months


 Interreg MED Horizontal Project - “Green Growth”

Monday, 3rd September 2018

Interreg MED Integrated project - EnerNETMob - “Mediterranean Interregional Electromobility Networks for intermodal and interurban low carbon transport systems”

EnerNETMob aims to draft, test and improve parallel “Sustainable Electromobility Plans” according to common standards and low carbon policies, in order to set an “Interregional Electromobility Network” crossing cities of all the Interreg MED area. The project promotes sharing mobility and land-sea intermodality using electric transport systems, by implementing interurban and interregional pilot networks of Electric Vehicles Supply Equipment (EVSE) also co-powered by Renewable Energy Sources. It will develop electromobility solutions and will test pilot actions to overcome medium-trip limitations and to coordinate future investments on electric transport. 

Funding Programme: Interreg MED 2014-2020 
Programme objective tackled: Axis 2, sub-objective 2.3 
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) co-financing rate: 85% 
Total budget: 5,742,802.10 euro 
Project duration: 48 months 

Monday, 2nd October 2017

Intereg MED Green Growth Community

MED areas need to respond to global challenges of a changing world by strengthening cooperation of their innovation capacities. Adapting to that philosophy, Green Growth MED Community is a grid of innovative projects focused on renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste management-recycling, smart cities and ecoinnovation. SYNGGI project acts as a dynamic network to unify project results, support MED stakeholders and create a fruitful and collaborative environment for all implicated bodies.

Funding Programme: Interreg MED 2014-2020
Programme objective tackled: Axis 1, sub-objective 1.1
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) co-financing rate: 85%
Total budget: 1,100,000.00 euro
Project duration: 36 months

Our partnerships

Our clients span from Public Sector entities:
Universities, NGOs, International Organizations, Municipalities, Regions.

Private Sector entities:
start-ups, SMEs, joint ventures of private entities in Greece and transnationally.

A variety of sectors such as:
information technology & research, health, social care & welfare, consumer protection, vocational training & education.

Since February 2015 by Deanship Meeting, Dynamic Vision was awarded the title of the Honorary Scientific Associate of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Health Sciences.